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A Brief History of SSL Certificates


7 min read

Have you ever experienced that your data leaked to the network? If not, you are lucky, as the number of online crimes is growing from year to year. And one of the most important tools for ensuring data security and increasing user confidence in the site is an SSL certificate. In this article, we will explore the concept of SSL certificates, their historical background, and their evolution over time. By understanding the origin and development of SSL certificates, you will be able to understand their significance and make informed decisions to protect your data.


What is an SSL Certificate?
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates are digital certificates that establish a secure and encrypted connection between a web server and a user's browser. The primary purpose of an SSL certificate is to protect sensitive information, such as personal data, login credentials, and financial details, from interception or unauthorized access. When a website has an SSL certificate installed, it is identified by a padlock icon in the browser's address bar and the URL begins with "https" instead of "http," indicating a secure connection.

The history of SSL certificates dates back to the mid-1990s when the need for secure online transactions became apparent. Netscape Communications, one of the pioneers of web browsers at the time, developed the SSL protocol to enable secure communication between web servers and browsers. This marked the birth of SSL certificates, which served as digital credentials to authenticate the identity of websites and establish encrypted connections to protect sensitive data.

As SSL gained popularity, it went through several iterations, with SSL 3.0 being the most widely used version. However, due to security vulnerabilities, SSL 3.0 was superseded by the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, which incorporated enhancements and stronger encryption algorithms. TLS versions, such as TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and the latest TLS 1.3, provide advanced security features and improved performance, making them the preferred choice for securing online communications.

SSL certificates are issued and validated by trusted third-party entities known as Certification Authorities (CAs). CAs play a critical role in establishing the authenticity and integrity of SSL certificates. They verify the identity of the certificate requester, ensure that the domain ownership is legitimate, and digitally sign the certificate to guarantee its authenticity. Popular CAs include Comodo, Symantec, Let's Encrypt, and GlobalSign, among others.

With the growing emphasis on online security, search engines have started prioritizing websites with SSL certificates. Google, in particular, considers HTTPS as a ranking signal, rewarding secure websites with better visibility in search results. Having an SSL certificate not only enhances security but also boosts SEO efforts, resulting in improved website performance and higher organic traffic.


SSL certificates come in various types to cater to different security needs. The main types of CSL certificates and their differences and features:
- Domain Validated certificates are the most basic type of SSL certificates. They verify domain ownership, ensuring that the certificate requester has control over the domain they wish to secure. DV certificates are usually issued quickly and require minimal validation. While they provide encryption for secure communication, they do not provide extensive validation of the organization behind the website. DV certificates are ideal for personal websites, blogs, or small businesses looking to establish a basic level of encryption.

- Organization Validated certificates offer a higher level of authentication and validation compared to DV certificates. In addition to verifying domain ownership, OV certificates require the certificate requester to provide additional organization-related information, such as legal existence and physical address. This extra validation instills more confidence in website visitors, as they can verify the legitimacy of the organization behind the website. OV certificates are suitable for businesses and organizations that want to showcase their credibility and build trust with their online audience.

- Extended Validation certificates provide the highest level of validation and are synonymous with enhanced trust and security. EV certificates undergo a rigorous validation process, which includes verifying legal and physical existence, conducting background checks, and adhering to strict industry guidelines. Websites with EV certificates display the organization's name in the browser's address bar, along with a green padlock icon. This visual indicator enhances user trust and distinguishes websites with EV certificates from others. EV certificates are ideal for e-commerce platforms, financial institutions, and websites dealing with sensitive user data.

- Wildcard certificates are designed to secure a domain and all its subdomains with a single certificate. For example, a wildcard certificate for "*.example.com" would cover "www.example.com", "mail.example.com" and any other subdomain under "example.com." This eliminates the need to purchase and manage multiple certificates for each subdomain, providing convenience and cost-effectiveness. Wildcard certificates are beneficial for businesses with multiple subdomains or those that anticipate future subdomain expansion.

- Multi-Domain certificates, also known as Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificates, offer flexibility by securing multiple domains or subdomains within a single certificate. With a SAN certificate, businesses can secure various domains, such as example.com, example.net, and example.org, under one certificate. This versatility simplifies certificate management and is ideal for businesses with diverse online presence, such as those operating multiple websites or offering different services under separate domains.

No less interesting is the possible future of SSL certificate technology. As technology advances, the future of SSL certificates lies in quantum cryptography. Quantum computing poses potential threats to current encryption algorithms, making it crucial to develop quantum-resistant encryption methods. Researchers and organizations are actively working on developing post-quantum encryption standards to ensure secure communication in the era of quantum computing.


So, SSL certificates have come a long way since their inception, evolving from SSL to TLS protocols and playing a pivotal role in securing online communications. Understanding the history and development of SSL certificates enables businesses to appreciate their significance in safeguarding sensitive data, building user trust, and enhancing website performance. By embracing SSL certificates, businesses can establish a secure online environment, protect their customers' information, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.