3v-Hosting Blog

VPS performance problems or Why is my server slow?


5 min read

According to research from the website WebsiteSetup and statistics from such a mastodon as HostAdvice, about 10% of all hosting services are occupied by VPS. And in the coming years, these statistics will only grow, and at a tremendous pace, about 15% per year. This means only one thing - VPS rental is becoming more and more popular and this is due to the significantly greater capabilities of VPS compared to shared hosting.
But despite the fact that VPS, based on its technology, is much more productive, many administrators are faced with the fact that their server does not show outstanding performance, which makes them disappointed in VPS and return back to shared hosting, or switch to a dedicated server, if they have money and their site is growing by leaps and bounds :)

In this short review article, we will look at the main problems that lead to a drop in the performance of VPS servers and briefly familiarize ourselves with methods for monitoring and correcting such problems.


Understanding VPS architecture


To understand why a VPS can be slow, it is important to first understand its architecture. A VPS is a virtual server that shares physical hardware with other virtual machines (VMs). Each VPS operates independently, relying on the hypervisor to distribute resources. When a VPS is slow, it can be attributed to resource contention, with multiple virtual machines competing for the same underlying physical resources. Such problems especially often arise on the servers of those providers who, in order to increase profits, place an excessively large number of virtual machines on one server. This is called overselling. These virtual machines, as the load grows, begin to compete for server resources, which ultimately leads to failures, delays and excessive overload of the host server, which can lead to overheating and unexpected failure.



Identifying resource bottlenecks


CPU Load

High CPU usage is a common cause of poor VPS performance. Monitoring CPU usage helps identify resource-intensive processes that may be consuming excessive processing power. Use tools like "top" or "htop" to identify CPU-hogging processes and optimize or isolate them to reduce system load.


Memory usage

Under-allocation of memory can lead to increased dependence on swap space, resulting in significant performance degradation. Analyze memory usage using tools like "free" or "vmstat" to identify memory-hungry processes. Adjust VPS memory allocation accordingly and consider optimizing applications to reduce memory footprint.


Disk I/O

Disk I/O bottlenecks can reduce VPS performance, especially in scenarios where read and write operations are resource-intensive. Use tools like "iotop" to identify processes causing high disk I/O. Consider optimizing your storage configurations or upgrading to faster storage solutions to eliminate these bottlenecks.
It is this problem that we at 3v-Hosting consider to be the main one and therefore all our servers are assembled on SSD drives, which can significantly improve the performance of the storage system as a whole.


Network problems

A slow network connection can slow down VPS performance, affecting data transfer speeds and responsiveness. Use tools like "iperf" or "speedtest-cli" to evaluate network performance. Resolve network issues by optimizing configurations, choosing faster network interfaces, or working with your hosting provider to resolve connectivity issues. Usually, a network speed of 100 Mbit/s is enough to complete all tasks, but if suddenly your site or application becomes popular and the channel width is no longer enough, you can always contact the 3v-Hosting support service and ask to change the tariff for the channel width, expanding it up to 1Gbit/s.




Software and service optimization


Web server configuration


For users hosting websites on their VPS, web server configuration plays a critical role in performance. Fine-tuning web servers such as Apache or Nginx to optimize request processing, implement caching mechanisms, and use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to offload static content for improved responsiveness.


Database optimization

Slow database queries can significantly impact application performance. Optimize database performance by indexing tables, fine-tuning query plans, and implementing caching mechanisms. Perform database maintenance tasks such as defragmentation and optimization regularly to ensure optimal performance.


Application Level Optimization

Examine the code base of your hosted applications for inefficiencies and bottlenecks. Implement code optimizations, use caching mechanisms, and consider load balancing strategies to distribute application workloads evenly across multiple instances, improving overall performance.



Monitoring and Scaling Strategies


Monitoring tools

Implementing comprehensive monitoring tools is critical to proactively managing performance. Use tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or Nagios to monitor key metrics such as CPU utilization, memory consumption, disk I/O, and network performance. Set up alerts to quickly resolve potential issues before they impact VPS performance.


Scaling options

If you encounter persistent performance problems, it makes sense to think about scaling. Vertical scaling involves upgrading existing VPS resources, while horizontal scaling distributes the workload across multiple VPS instances. Or perhaps your site has already outgrown VPS and then you need to transfer it to a Dedicated Server. Assess your specific requirements and choose a scaling strategy that meets your goals and performance needs.


In conclusion, we would like to summarize that solving the problem of low VPS performance requires a systematic approach that includes optimization of both hardware and software. Understanding VPS architecture, identifying resource bottlenecks, optimizing software and services, and implementing monitoring and scaling strategies are key steps to effectively addressing performance issues. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a fast and reliable VPS environment for your applications and services.