3v-Hosting Blog

How to Fix "Connection Refused" Error


6 min read

The "connection refused" error is a common issue encountered when attempting to access websites, services, or servers over a network. This error typically indicates that the client (browser or application) could not establish a connection with the target host, which "refused" the connection attempt. Understanding the root causes of this issue and resolving it efficiently is crucial for system administrators, developers, and users.

In this article, we will explore the various causes behind the "connection refused" error, its different contexts, and the solutions to fix it from both client-side and server-side perspectives.




1. Understanding the "Connection Refused" Error

The "connection refused" error message can appear in different formats across platforms and tools, such as:

    "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" (in web browsers)
    "Connection refused" (in command-line tools like curl or telnet)
    "Site refused to connect" (in browsers when a website is inaccessible)

These messages mean that the target machine or server is reachable but refuses to allow the connection request. This typically happens when the server or port is not listening, a firewall blocks the request, or the connection configuration is misconfigured.

In technical terms, when a client sends a connection request via a protocol (e.g., HTTP, SSH, etc.), it passes through multiple layers (network stack, firewall, etc.) before reaching the application. If the connection is denied at any point, the client receives a "connection refused" message.




2. Common Causes of the "Connection Refused" Error

Several factors can cause a "connection refused" error. These issues can occur on the client, server, or network level. Let's explore the common causes:

a. Server-Side Issues

    Service Not Running: If the service you are trying to connect to (e.g., a web server, SSH server, or database) is not running on the server, the client will encounter a connection refused error.
    Port Not Listening: Even if the service is running, the specific port might not be open or listening for incoming connections. This often occurs when the service is misconfigured or bound to the wrong IP address.
    Server Overload: A server may refuse new connections if it is under heavy load or has reached its connection limit.
    Firewall Blocking: A firewall (local or network-based) could block incoming connections on the port, leading to a refused connection error.
    Misconfiguration in Server Settings: Incorrect settings in the service configuration (such as Apache, NGINX, or SSHD) may prevent the server from properly handling connection requests.


b. Client-Side Issues

    Incorrect IP or Port: If the client is trying to connect to the wrong IP address or port, the server might not accept the connection.
    DNS Resolution Issues: If the DNS cannot resolve the server’s IP address properly, the client will be unable to reach the server, leading to a connection refused error.
    Network Connectivity Problems: Poor network connectivity or router/firewall settings on the client side could also cause this issue.
    Outdated Client Software: Sometimes, outdated client software might not support the necessary protocols or security features required by the server, leading to failed connections.


c. Network Issues

    Routing Problems: Incorrect routing in the network can cause connection requests to be dropped or denied.
    Network Address Translation (NAT) Issues: Misconfigured NAT can prevent the server from properly accepting incoming connections.




3. Diagnosing the "Connection Refused" Error

Before fixing the issue, it is important to accurately diagnose where the connection failure occurs. Here are several steps you can take to identify the root cause:


a. Check Server Status

Verify Service Status: Use tools like systemctl or service (Linux) to check whether the required service is running:

    systemctl status apache2
    systemctl status ssh

Check Port Listening: Use netstat or ss to check whether the specific port is open and listening:

    ss -tuln | grep :80

If the port is not open, the server will refuse to connect.


b. Firewall and Network Configuration

Check Firewall Rules: On the server, use iptables or firewall management tools (such as firewalld, ufw, or Windows Firewall) to ensure that the port is not being blocked:

    sudo ufw status
    sudo iptables -L

    Ensure the firewall allows incoming connections on the required port.


Traceroute/Tracerpath: Use traceroute or tracerpath to check if packets are correctly routed to the target server:

    traceroute example.com



c. Client-Side Diagnostics

Check IP and Port: Ensure that the client is connecting to the correct IP address and port by cross-checking the configuration file or connection settings.
DNS Lookup: Perform an nslookup or dig query to ensure the domain name resolves correctly:

    nslookup example.com
    dig example.com

Check for Browser Cache Issues: Sometimes browser caching can lead to persistent "connection refused" errors. Clearing the cache and trying again may solve the issue.


d. Network-Level Testing

Telnet Test: Use telnet to test the connection to the server. This helps determine if the issue is network-related or service-related:

    telnet example.com 80

If the connection is refused, the problem lies in the server configuration or network settings.



Other articles on the topic of administration in our Blog:

    - How to remotely connect to MySQL

    - IP Addresses: The Cornerstone of Internet

    - Installing a specific version of the cPanel on your server

    - 10 most frequently used examples for IPTABLES



4. Fixing the "Connection Refused" Error: Server-Side Solutions

Once the cause has been identified, you can implement the appropriate solution. Let’s explore how to fix the error depending on the situation.


a. Ensure the Service is Running

If the server’s required service (such as HTTP or SSH) is not running, restart the service:

    sudo systemctl restart apache2
    sudo systemctl restart ssh

If the service fails to start, check the logs in /var/log/ or the service-specific log directory for more detailed error messages.


b. Open the Required Port

Ensure that the server is listening on the required port. Edit the configuration files (e.g., /etc/apache2/ports.conf for Apache) to ensure the correct port is bound. Restart the service after making changes.

For example, if the server is supposed to listen on port 8080 but is not, you can manually edit the port settings:

    Listen 8080


c. Update Firewall Rules

Open the necessary port using ufw or other firewall management tools:

    sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
    sudo ufw allow 443/tcp

For iptables, you might need to add a rule to accept connections on the port:

    sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

d. Check for Application-Specific Issues

For web applications running on servers like NGINX or Apache, misconfigurations in virtual hosts or reverse proxy settings can lead to the server refusing connections. Double-check the configuration files (e.g., /etc/nginx/nginx.conf) and make sure there are no syntax errors:

    sudo nginx -t
    sudo apachectl configtest

Correct any issues found in these configuration files and restart the service.




5. Client-Side Solutions for "Connection Refused" Error

The "connection refused" error could also stem from the client side. Here’s how to fix common client-side issues.


a. Verify Connection Details

Ensure the client is connecting to the correct IP address, hostname, and port. Double-check the client application’s settings, especially when dealing with services like SSH, FTP, or web applications.

b. Clear Browser Cache

If you encounter the "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" message in a browser, clearing the browser cache and cookies may resolve the problem. Navigate to the browser settings, clear the cache, and attempt to reconnect.

c. Network and DNS Configuration

If the issue stems from DNS resolution failures, you can change the DNS settings to use a public DNS like Google ( or Cloudflare ( This can be done either on the client machine or router.




6. Handling Network-Level Issues

Network issues such as incorrect routing, NAT misconfigurations, or ISP blocks can also cause connection refused errors. Here’s how to resolve such issues:

a. Check Router and Firewall Settings

Ensure that your router is forwarding the correct ports if the server is behind a NAT. Open ports as required and verify that the firewall does not block them.

b. Use a VPN

If the error occurs due to geographical restrictions or ISP blocks, using a VPN can help bypass these restrictions and connect to the server.





The "connection refused" error can arise from a variety of issues on both the client and server sides. By methodically diagnosing the problem through service status checks, firewall configurations, and network tests, you can identify the root cause and apply the appropriate fixes. Whether it’s a misconfigured server, network issues, or a simple client-side mistake, understanding the potential reasons behind a refused connection will help in resolving the issue efficiently.