3v-Hosting Blog

Briefly about what is hosting and how does website hosting work?


7 min read

In our time, it is difficult to find a person on the whole planet who would not know what the Internet and a website are. The number of sites on the Internet is constantly increasing, because most companies and ordinary people want to have their own representation on the Internet. After all, "It is very difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there" :).
And of course, behind every successful website is a reliable web host. But what is website hosting and how does it work? In this brief article, we will delve into the intricacies of website hosting, shed light on its key components, types of hosting, and factors to consider when choosing a hosting provider. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of how website hosting works and how it can affect your online success.

What is Hosting?

Website hosting is the process of storing and delivering website content to users via the internet. When you create a website, it consists of various files, such as HTML, CSS, images, videos, and databases. These files need to be stored on a server that is connected to the internet 24/7. Hosting companies provide the necessary infrastructure and services to make your website accessible to visitors worldwide.


The Key Components of Website Hosting:

Servers: Servers are powerful computers designed to store and process website files. Hosting companies own and manage these servers in data centers equipped with advanced hardware and network infrastructure.

Operating Systems: Servers run on operating systems, typically Linux or Windows. The choice of operating system depends on the specific needs of your website.

Storage: Website files are stored on server hard drives or solid-state drives (SSDs). Hosting providers offer different storage options, allowing you to choose the capacity that suits your website's requirements.

Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that can be transferred between the server and users. Hosting plans often include specific bandwidth allocations, which can affect your website's loading speed and user experience.


Every hosting company tries to present to its potential customers that it has some special type of hosting that only they have. But often this is not true, but just an advertising ploy designed to fool people who are not very versed in hosting and sell them their services.

In fact, there are only four types of hosting at the moment, and that is a stretch. Let's go through these types of hosting services briefly, starting with the simplest and cheapest:

Shared Hosting: Shared hosting involves multiple websites sharing resources on a single server. It is a cost-effective option for small businesses and beginners. However, shared hosting can have limitations in terms of performance and resource allocation.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting: VPS hosting provides a virtualized environment with dedicated resources within a shared server. It offers more control and scalability than shared hosting, making it suitable for growing websites with moderate traffic.

Dedicated Server Hosting: With dedicated server hosting, you have an entire server dedicated exclusively to your website. This option provides the highest level of performance, customization, and security, making it ideal for large businesses or high-traffic websites.

Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting utilizes a network of interconnected servers to distribute website files and resources. It offers scalability, reliability, and redundancy, ensuring your website remains accessible even during peak traffic periods.
And the main disadvantage of cloud hosting is that you cannot know 100% where your data is currently located. Therefore, this type of hosting is not suitable for hosting projects with critical and confidential data.


How Does Website Hosting Work?

Domain Name: Before you can host a website, you need a domain name, which serves as the address for your website on the internet. Once you register a domain name, you can connect it to your hosting provider.

Nameservers: To connect your domain to your hosting provider, you must update the nameservers in your domain registrar's settings. Nameservers are like signposts that direct visitors to the correct server where your website is hosted.

Uploading Files: After setting up the domain, you can upload your website files to the server using various methods, such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or a web-based file manager provided by your hosting company.

Configuration: Once the files are uploaded, you may need to configure settings such as databases, email accounts, security measures, and content management systems (CMS) to make your website fully functional.

DNS Propagation: When you make changes to your domain settings, such as updating nameservers, it takes some time for these changes to propagate across the internet. This process, known as DNS propagation, allows users worldwide to access your website using your domain name.



Of course, in order to provide such a complex system as hosting, a company must meet the highest criteria and have great expertise in its field. The key parameters that you need to familiarize yourself with before choosing a hosting company are:

Reliability and Uptime: Look for a hosting provider that guarantees high uptime, ensuring your website is accessible to visitors at all times.

Performance and Speed: Opt for a hosting company that utilizes robust hardware, advanced caching techniques, and content delivery networks (CDNs) to deliver fast-loading web pages.

Scalability: Consider the scalability options offered by the hosting provider, as your website's needs may change over time. Ensure they can accommodate future growth without compromising performance.

Security: Website security is crucial. Choose a hosting company that employs robust security measures, such as firewalls, regular backups, SSL certificates, and malware scanning.

Customer Support: Reliable customer support is essential, especially during critical situations. Look for a hosting provider that offers 24/7 support through various channels, such as live chat, email, or phone.



All in all, web hosting is the foundation on which successful websites are built. Understanding the inner workings of hosting services is critical to choosing the right hosting provider and ensuring optimal website performance, security and reliability. By understanding the key components of website hosting, learning about the different types of hosting, and considering the important factors when choosing a hosting provider, you can confidently gain a foothold on the Internet and unlock the full potential of your web project.