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BERT and SEO: How Google's AI has changed the approach to search engine optimization


8 min read

The landscape of search engine optimization (SEO) has undergone a seismic shift in recent years, ushered in by the dawn of artificial intelligence (AI). At the forefront of this revolution stands Google's Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, better known as BERT. This complex algorithm has fundamentally reshaped how Google understands and interprets search queries, demanding a significant recalibration in SEO strategies.



Understanding BERT: From Keywords to Semantic Nuances


Prior to BERT, Google's search algorithms primarily relied on keyword matching. Websites stuffed with the right keywords climbed the rankings, even if the content itself lacked depth or relevance to the user's true intent. BERT, however, operates on a vastly different level. It employs a deep learning technique known as natural language processing (NLP) to comprehend the semantic relationships between words, taking context, grammar, and even implied meaning into account.

Imagine searching for "best vegan restaurants near me." A keyword-driven algorithm might prioritize websites mentioning "vegan" and "restaurants" within close proximity. But BERT delves deeper. It understands the nuances of "best," potentially prioritizing restaurants with high ratings and positive reviews. It comprehends the implicit location implied by "near me," factoring in your current location or search history. It even grasps the subtle difference between "vegan" as a dietary preference and "vegan" as a brand or product name.



The Implications for SEO: Rethinking Optimizations


This shift in focus from simple keywords to intricate semantic understanding has significant consequences for SEO practitioners. Keyword stuffing and low-quality content laden with irrelevant keywords no longer hold sway. Here are some key aspects of SEO that require reevaluation under the watchful eye of BERT:

Content Quality Rises to the Foreground: BERT prioritizes content that is well-written, informative, and addresses the user's intent head-on. High-quality, original content that provides true value and answers search queries comprehensively becomes the cornerstone of effective SEO.
Focus on Semantic Search: Understanding the relationships between words and concepts becomes crucial. Keyword research should delve into related terms, synonyms, and potential user queries to ensure content comprehensively addresses the broader semantic landscape.
Long-Tail Keywords Gain Importance: BERT excels at understanding longer, more natural language queries. Targeting long-tail keywords that reflect actual user searches becomes vital for attracting relevant traffic.
Structure and Readability Matter: BERT pays close attention to the structure and flow of content. Logical organization, clear headings, and concise phrasing become essential for ensuring the search engine grasps the meaning and relevance of your content.
Entity Recognition Takes Center Stage: BERT excels at recognizing and understanding entities (people, places, things) within text. Optimizing content with relevant entities and building relationships between them can improve search visibility.



The Future of SEO: Embracing the AI Paradigm


BERT is not the end of SEO, but rather a new chapter. It's a paradigm shift demanding a recalibration of strategies and a renewed focus on quality, relevance, and semantic understanding. Embracing AI-powered search requires ongoing adaptation and a commitment to creating content that truly serves user intent.

Looking ahead, the integration of AI is only set to deepen. Other Google algorithms like RankBrain and MUM (Multimodal Unified Model) continue to evolve, further blurring the lines between keywords and semantic comprehension. For SEO professionals, the key lies in understanding the underlying principles of AI-powered search and continuously adapting their strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

Now that we have a general understanding of the new rules of the game, let’s try to look at these rules using specific examples and specific SEO tactics.


BERT in Action: How AI Redefines Specific SEO Tactics

BERT's influence on SEO goes beyond a simple conceptual shift. It demands tangible changes in how we approach keyword research, content creation, and technical optimization. Let's explore how BERT impacts specific SEO tactics, using real-world examples to illustrate its transformative power:

1. Keyword Research:

From Head to Long-Tail: Traditional keyword research focused on high-volume head terms like "SEO tips." BERT thrives on understanding user intent. Now, identifying long-tail keywords like "local SEO tips for small businesses" becomes crucial. By targeting phrases that reflect specific search queries and user needs, you attract more relevant traffic and improve conversion rates.

Semantic Expansion: BERT goes beyond literal keywords. It grasps synonyms, related concepts, and implicit meanings. Research tools like AnswerThePublic and SEMrush now offer "Topic Clouds" or "Related Searches" features, helping you discover the broader semantic landscape surrounding your target keyword. Optimizing for these related terms increases content comprehensiveness and improves search visibility.

Question-Based Targeting: BERT excels at understanding question-based searches like "What are the challenges of local SEO?" Tools like Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer now filter keywords by question type, allowing you to tailor content directly to address user queries and demonstrate relevance to search engines.

2. Content Creation:

Depth over Density: Keyword stuffing is obsolete. BERT prioritizes well-written, informative content that comprehensively addresses the user's intent. Focus on creating in-depth content, using clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to structure your information logically. Cite authoritative sources, include relevant visuals, and ensure your content provides genuine value to the reader.

Contextual Understanding: BERT analyzes the context of your content, not just individual keywords. Ensure smooth transitions between sentences and paragraphs, use relevant synonyms and related terms, and avoid abrupt shifts in topic. This contextual coherence signals relevance and improves your content's ability to satisfy user intent.

Entity Optimization: BERT recognizes and understands real-world entities like places, brands, and people. Research and link to relevant entities within your content. For example, if discussing local SEO, mention local businesses or industry experts to build relationships and improve search visibility.

3. Technical Optimization:

Structured Data for Clarity: BERT leverages structured data like schema markup to understand the context and meaning of your content. Implement relevant schema org markup to categorize your website and content (e.g., blog post, local business, recipe). This helps search engines understand your content more accurately and potentially improves search ranking.

Mobile-First Indexing: BERT prioritizes mobile-friendliness. Ensure your website loads quickly and functions flawlessly on mobile devices. Use responsive design themes, optimize image sizes, and test your website across various mobile platforms.

User Experience Matters: BERT indirectly considers user engagement metrics like dwell time and bounce rate. Create engaging content that keeps users on your website. Optimize page loading speed, use internal linking to relevant pages, and prioritize mobile-friendliness to deliver a positive user experience.



These are just a few examples of how BERT impacts specific SEO tactics. By understanding these nuances and adapting your strategies accordingly, you can harness the power of AI to create a future-proof SEO approach that delivers sustainable results. Remember, BERT is not a static entity; its capabilities and focus continue to evolve. Staying informed about the latest advancements in AI and SEO will ensure you stay ahead of the curve and maintain your website's visibility in the ever-changing search landscape.