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Introducing the Different Types of Virtualization: A Comprehensive Comparison and Core Technologies


10 min read

Virtualization has revolutionized the way we use computing resources, allowing us to maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and simplify management. With the rapid development of technology, various types of virtualization have emerged, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. In this article, we will delve into the world of virtualization by examining the different types and comparing their key features. We'll take a look at the three most popular types of virtualization - OpenVZ, KVM, and XEN - to help you make informed decisions for your hosting needs.


Full Virtualization with KVM

Full virtualization, also known as hardware virtualization, is one of the most common types. It enables the creation of multiple virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical server, each running a complete operating system (OS) instance. KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a popular open-source virtualization technology that leverages hardware-assisted virtualization capabilities found in modern CPUs. KVM provides robust isolation, near-native performance, and supports a wide range of operating systems. It allows efficient utilization of resources and provides a solid foundation for hosting environments.
It is KVM virtualization that we use to create all our VPS, since it is important for us that not a single client could suffer because of the actions of his negligent server neighbor. Reliability and stability of work is our priority.


But this is only the first type of virtualization. The second type is Para-Virtualization with Xen.

Para-virtualization is a virtualization technique that requires modifications to the guest operating systems to communicate directly with the hypervisor. Xen is a widely-used open-source para-virtualization technology that provides high performance and efficiency. By leveraging Xen's paravirtualization approach, guest operating systems can interact directly with the hypervisor, eliminating the need for full hardware emulation. Xen offers excellent resource utilization and scalability, making it a popular choice for enterprise-level virtualization deployments.


Operating system-level virtualization with OpenVZ is the third most popular type of virtualization.
Operating system (OS) level virtualization, also known as containerization, provides lightweight virtualization by leveraging the host OS's kernel. OpenVZ is a popular open-source containerization technology that allows multiple containers to run on a single host OS, sharing the same kernel and system resources. OpenVZ provides excellent performance, minimal resource overhead, and rapid container startup times. 

While OpenVZ virtualization offers several advantages, it also has some disadvantages that are worth considering. The main disadvantage of OpenVZ virtualization is the lack of support for running different operating systems (OS) within containers. Unlike full virtualization or para-virtualization technologies, OpenVZ relies on a shared kernel with the host OS, which means that all containers must use the same kernel version as the host.

This limitation restricts the choice of operating systems that can be used within OpenVZ containers. Only OS distributions that are compatible with the host's kernel version can be deployed, which may not align with the specific requirements of certain applications or software stacks. This lack of OS flexibility can be a drawback for organizations that require the ability to run diverse operating systems within their virtual environments.

Additionally, due to the shared kernel approach, the level of isolation provided by OpenVZ virtualization is not as strong as in full virtualization. While containers offer good isolation between applications running within the same container, they do not provide the same level of isolation as separate virtual machines with their own dedicated kernel instances. This may be a concern for environments where strict security boundaries between applications or user workloads are crucial.

Furthermore, migrating containers across different hardware architectures or between hosts with different kernel versions can be challenging or even unsupported in some cases. Since OpenVZ relies heavily on the host's kernel, compatibility issues may arise when attempting to move containers to different environments, limiting the portability and flexibility of the virtualization solution.

Despite these disadvantages, OpenVZ remains a popular choice for specific use cases, such as environments where high-density containerization, resource efficiency, and rapid container deployment are prioritized over running multiple operating systems or achieving strong isolation between containers. It is important to carefully evaluate the requirements and constraints of your hosting needs to determine if OpenVZ virtualization is the right fit for your specific use case.

Comparison of Virtualization Types and Core Technologies

Let's compare these different types of virtualization along with their core technologies across various key aspects:
Performance: Full virtualization with KVM and para-virtualization with Xen offer near-native performance. Operating system-level virtualization with OpenVZ and containerization technologies provide excellent performance with minimal overhead.
Isolation: Full virtualization with KVM and para-virtualization with Xen provide strong isolation between virtual machines. OpenVZ and containerization technologies offer isolation at the container level, but with some shared resources.
Resource Efficiency: Operating system-level virtualization with OpenVZ and containerization technologies excel in resource efficiency due to their lightweight nature. Full virtualization and para-virtualization technologies require more resources for emulating or virtualizing hardware.
Flexibility: Full virtualization with KVM and para-virtualization with Xen support a wide range of operating systems. Operating system-level virtualization with OpenVZ and containerization technologies may be limited to specific OS distributions.

In conclusion, core technology-based virtualization technologies such as KVM, Xen, and OpenVZ have changed the hosting landscape, offering many options for optimizing resource usage, improving performance, and simplifying management. Each type of virtualization, along with its underlying technology, has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

By understanding the characteristics and comparing the different virtualization types and core technologies, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your specific hosting requirements. Whether you choose full virtualization with KVM, para-virtualization with Xen, or operating system-level virtualization with OpenVZ - virtualization remains a powerful tool in the hosting industry, enabling businesses to unlock the full potential of their IT infrastructure.